The article substantiates the urgency of the problem of implementing the pedagogical coaching technology as a basic model of support for the personal development of students in the context of modernization of Russian education. Performing value-motivational and personal-semantic functions in the educational process, innovative technologies actualize and develop internal resources of the personality of students, form the necessary competencies that ensure their preparedness to independently solve not only professional tasks, but also various life situations. In modern society, the role of a higher school teacher as a carrier of scientific knowledge is transformed into the role of a coach teacher who focuses the main attention on the development of emotional and cognitive resistance of students to constantly changing conditions; on the formation of the competitiveness of students as future specialists in the modern labor market; on the acquisition of skills to analyze, compare, generalize educational information and apply it in practice; on development of skills for self-education and career growth. In this regard, the purpose of the article is to study the technology of pedagogical coaching in the aspect of new opportunities for developing creative partnerships between all participants in the educational process. The main idea of implementing the technology of pedagogical coaching in higher education is to form students’ ability to set constructive goals, apply the most effective methods for solving professional problems, and develop skills of self-organization and self-development. The mechanisms for implementing the technology of pedagogical coaching do not only complement and expand the personal and social components of professional activity, but also make them more meaningful and rational, which allows optimizing their results in practical activity. The authors conclude that pedagogical coaching in the field of education is a necessary innovative technology capable of concentrating the internal resources of a teacher and students on achieving the intended result and can be considered as an effective mechanism for increasing the creative interaction of all participants in the educational process.