The cardiovascular and respiratory systems are the most important vegetative systems of the human body. Assessment of their activity is a necessary part of functional examinations of patients. Cardiointervalography (CIG) is a widely used method for assessment of activity of the cardiovascular system. One of the most important parameters of assessment of functional status according to CIG is the so-called respiratory component.Processes of external respiration exert a constant modulating effect on the cardiovascular system. This effect manifests itself as variations in the heart rate cophased with respiration. Usually, the heart rate increases during inhalation and decreases during (respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA)). Respiratory sinus arrhythmia was first described by Ludwig in 1847. It was shown in the 1970s that the value of RSA can serve as an index of the parasympathetic effect on the heart. Since that time the number of publications concerning the problem has increased significantly. Acute experiments in laboratory animals and experiments using blocks of sympathetic and parasympathetic vegetative nervous system showed that the value of RSA can be used for assessment of the vagal (parasympathetic) effect on the heart under various conditions. It was shown that RSA is caused by inhibition of the pulse activity of the vagus during inhalation and its activation during exhalation, The value of RSA depends on the respiration rate and is maximum at the rate of 6 inhalations per minute. Presumably, this value can be regarded as an index of the maximum parasympathetic effect on the heart, whereas the RSA value during spontaneous respiration can be used for assessment of the current vagal effect on the heart. It can be inferred from the correlation between the RSA VNIIMP-VITA Joint-Stock Company, Moscow.
203value, in case of spontaneous respiration and the RSA value at the,rate of 6 inhalations per minute that the value of RSA is determined by two main factors: current condition of vagal centers and the respiration rate. It is assumed that predominance of parasympathetic effect on the heart is favorable for health. Tfius, assessment of RSA during examinations and various prophylactic and rehabilitation procedures can provide important information about the patient's health.There are two main methods of determining the RSA value. The first method is based on calculation of the difference of R-R intervals during inhalation and exhalation. The second method is based on determination of the power spectra of the series of R-R intervals. Analysis of data available from the literature showed that the spectral method of assessment of the respiratory component of the cardiac rhythm variations requires very complicated mathematical apparatus. The RSA estimates obtained by this method are not sufficiently reliable because they often cannot be reproduced during the same examination. This is probably caused by significant distortion of the initial data during preliminary processing (interpolation of the initial series of R-R inte...