The weak-field asymptotic theory of tunneling ionization in an external static uniform electric field [Tolstikhin et al., Phys. Rev. A 84, 053423 (2011)] is extended to many-electron atomic and molecular systems treated in the frozen-nuclei approximation. The leading-order term in the asymptotic expansion of the ionization rate in the value of the field F for F → 0 is obtained. The resulting formulas express in terms of properties of the unperturbed system. The most essential difference from the one-electron case, through which the many-electron character of the present theory reveals itself, is that the structure factor for a given ionization channel, defining the dependence of the ionization rate into this channel on the orientation of the system with respect to the field, is determined by the corresponding Dyson orbital. The theory is illustrated by calculations for several few-electron systems. The asymptotic results are compared with accurate fully correlated calculations of tunneling ionization rates available in the literature.