IntroductionLiving tissue is complexly heterogenic. The processes are mostly chemical reactions, where energy absorption-emission is a central point. The energy liberated by metabolic activity appears in the bodytemperature, which is also very heterogenic by its sources, but is averaged by natural heat-conduction and the connected temperature equalisation. Hyperthermia is a thermal process, defined by a temperature-elevation in the target [1]. The mass-or volume-specific energy absorption (defined by the specific absorption rate [SAR]) increases the temperature.In the definition of hyperthermia, temperature is the obligatory parameter, used for dosing by considering the time for which it was effective [2]. Consequently, the treatment has to be identified by temperature, or at least by the specific energy absorption rate (SAR) in the target. The temperature and the energy-deposition must therefore be controlled.Electromagnetic energy delivery could be by four not completely independent categories, depending on the coupling of the fields to the object; it could be radiation, inductive, capacitive or galvanic coupling [3,4]. All of the interactions have variability in their absorption processes [5], in addition to the structural variations. Consequently, the SAR has microscopic medley values in the living target.Temperature is the average energy of the particles involved in the absorption process. This general temperature is composed of the various different microscopic heating areas, which could be equalised by the heat-conduction and convection in their surroundings by various timecharacters. The macroscopic temperature is a gross-average of all of the microscopic temperatures and their spread-processes.There are some very high-temperatures (over the protein denaturation [6] that can be locally concentrated and are relatively short time applications. It is limited to a very small volume by various interstitial methods, including the most popular radiofrequency (RF) ablation techniques. However, most of the hyperthermia practices in oncology are locally or regionally devoted to solving hyperthermia effects in shallow and deep-seated tumours [4]. The problems in these methods are simply connected to the focusing of heat-energy. The energy can be focused by choosing the targeted volume, but due to the non-invasive solutions, the input power is limited by adverse effects, so longer duration is necessary to heat up the target. The longer heating time completely changes the situation; we have to take into account the natural movements of the patient, which heats up the healthy environment, and naturally occurs because of the effective heat-diffusion and heat-conduction in the body. The energy can be focused for longer times to a chosen target volume, but the heat (and the temperature) is not focusable for longer, as it naturally spreads.The consequences of heat spreading can dramatically change the complete hyperthermia process. The homeostatic regulation of the body tries to re-establish the homeostatic equilibrium. C...