Recent experiments involving aerosol introduction into the inductively coupled plasma have shown that intact droplets and solute particles cause enormous fluctuations in analyte emission and mass-spectral signals. Here, particle-vaporization kinetics are simulated as a detailed function of the operating conditions, fundamental properties and spatial location in the inductively coupled plasma, and as a function of several of the properties of the particles themselves: diameter, chemical composition and size distribution. These simulations portray the particle vaporization as proceeding nominally linearly with respect to the particle radius when the particles are small, but roughly quadratically with radius when the particles are very large. Further, the heat-and mass-transfer-limited rates of vaporization are roughly equal for the typical gas-temperature range in the plasma tail flame, so that at any height either process might limit the rate of vaporization. This similarity gives rise to a dynamic, competitive picture of plasma vaporization kinetics.