A c c e p t e d M a n u s c r i p t 1 HIGHLIGHTS UF 6 hydrolysis was carried out under reaction conditions that were water deficient for preparation of UO 2 F 2 products. SEM Images of products of UF 6 hydrolysis deposited onto carbon conducting tape and aluminum tape showed different morphologies. Morphologies of material deposited on aluminum after hydrolysis of UF 6 and stored under high humidity conditions change after one week. Chemical characterization by powder X-ray diffraction analysis and -Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy revealed formation of UOF 4 , a likely reaction intermediate in UF 6 hydrolysis.ABSTRACT: Characterization of the chemical speciation and morphologies of products formed from hydrolysis of uranium hexafluoride (UF 6 ) is important for predicting dispersion and contamination of released material, or health consequences from inhalation of air-borne particles. We report products of hydrolysis of UF 6 in which the quantity of water was insufficient for complete formation of UO 2 F 2 . Material was deposited onto carbon tape and aluminum. Scanning Electron Microscopy was employed to characterize textures and particle sizes, and powder X-ray diffraction analysis and μ-Fourier Transform Infrared Absorption spectroscopy were used to characterize chemical speciation. These results revealed that the ratio of H 2 O to UF 6, depository substrate composition, and storage conditions must be considered when evaluating chemical speciation, morphologic textures and particles size of UF 6 hydrolysis products. LA-UR-15-23846.