The purpose of this work was the isolation of the predominant representatives of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) of the sulfidogenic microbial community separated from the soil ferrosphere and the examination of their morphological, physiological, biochemical and genotypic peculiarities, the evaluation of some physiological processes under co-culturing with their satellite species Anaerotignum propionicum. During the study two isolates of sulfate-reducing bacteria NUChC SRB1 and NUChC SRB2 were obtained from sulfidogenic microbial community isolated from soil ferrosphere on Postgate's "B" medium and their belonging to different strains (using ISSR-PCR method) was proved. As a result of molecular-genetic analysis of the strains, a 16S rRNA gene fragments of 613 bp and 522 bp were amplified and sequenced. The strains were identified as Desulfovibrio oryzae by the complex of microbiological, physiological and biochemical features and on the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequences (phylogenetic analysis). The 16S rRNA gene sequences were submitted in GenBank as MT102713 (NUChC SRB1) and MT102714 (NUChC SRB2). The co-cultivation of isolated SRB strains with A. propionicum NUChC Sat1 strain (in the absence of electron donors, the presence of sulfates and yeast extract) showed the formation of sulfur-reducing bacteria of hydrogen sulfide, which was not observed during their mono-cultivation. In this case, the phenomenon of syntrophy probably takes place-co-growth on the nutrient substrate, and the electron donor appears due to the use of the yeast extract compounds by the NUChC Sat1 strain. Therefore, in the sulfidogenic community isolated from the soil ferrosphere, there is a mutual growth of the association of bacteria D. oryzae and A. propionicum, which is caused by trophic interaction. Possibly the contribution of these associated bacteria to the corrosion process lies in the utilization of hydrogen (D. oryzae) and the formation of substrate products of SRB metabolism (hydrogen and organic acids), which are both corrosive compounds (A. propionicum). Without a doubt the corrosion process involving this association needs further investigation.ferrosphere, sulfate-reducing bacteria, Desulfovibrio oryzae, 16S rRNA gene, ISSR-PCR.