This review of available literature aims to present models of co-operation between the patient and the doctor, the consequences of employing these models, and the ways of building relationships. In order to ensure a comprehensive view of this issue and trace the dynamics of changes in this area, we decided to review the relevant literature published since the 1950s. The databases we queried contained academic opinion papers, reports of empirical studies, and publications in psychology of health. Used databases: Academic Search Complete, eBook Academic Collection, Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition, MEDLINE, PsycARTICLES, and PsycINFO. The analysis focused on the association between the models of patient-doctor relationship and adherence to treatment (adherence or compliance; adherence to treatment). The paper contains descriptions of how models have changed, followed by a detailed characterisation of the paternalistic and partnership-based approaches, also with regard to possible effects on the patient's willingness to adhere to medical instructions.
StreszczenieCelem niniejszego przeglądu dostępnej literatury jest przedstawienie modeli współpracy między pacjentem i lekarzem, konsekwencji ich stosowania i sposobów budowania relacji. W celu jak najszerszego spojrzenia na zagadnienie i uwidocznienia dynamiki zmian tego obszaru zdecydowano się na przegląd literatury od lat 50. ubiegłego wieku. Bazy, jakie przeszukiwano, zawierały zarówno poglądowe artykuły naukowe, badania empiryczne, jak i publikacje z zakresu psychologii zdrowia. Były to: Academic Search Complite, eBook Academic Collection, Health Source Nurcing/Academin Edition, MEDLINE, PsycARTICLES, PsycINFO. Podczas analizy skupiono się na związku modelu relacji lekarza i pacjenta z realizacją zaleceń lekarskich (adherence or compliance; adherence to treatment). W niniejszej pracy można znaleźć opis kształtowania się modeli relacji lekarza i pacjenta w ciągu ostatnich 60 lat. Następnie szczegółowo scharakteryzowane są podejścia paternalistyczne i partnerskie z uwzględnieniem możliwego wpływu na chęć realizowania zaleceń lekarskich przez pacjenta.
Psychology in a health contextThe biomedical model is now being extended to include behavioural, social, and psychological paradigms [1]. In this way, health can be construed holistically, and the individual can be viewed as an element of multiple systems that form a hierarchy among themselves and remain in a state of dynamic balance owing to the flow of information [2].Contemporary conceptualisations of the health sciences are not limited to a patient's somatic sphere. The biological realm is increasingly being expanded to include the mental realm. Overall, the health sciences, through the influence of psychology, have been enriched by evidence-based theoretical concepts and the possibility of practical application of psychological knowledge, as in the development of models of health [3]. With regard to health issues, this change is reflected in studies of pro-health behaviours and their structure, and ...