Al~tract--Many studies have been conducted on the effective heat conductivity (2eft) and the heat transfer coef~cient at the wall (~w) inside packed beds. It has been mentioned that the values of )~ff and ~w are changed when a chemical reaction occurs in the packed bed. We give an explanation for such a phenomenon. The properties 2of f and ew are lumped parameters which usually are determined by both the measured temperature profiles and the model used to calculate the temperature profiles from 2off and ew. If either the experimental data are wrong or the model is erroneous the error will manifest itself in the values of ~.~ff arid ew-At least a part of the change in the values of 2~rf and ew due to a chemical reaction is caused by the fact that a homogeneous model with catalyst and gas having the same temperature is chosen, whereas a heterogeneous model with cata!yst and gas having different temperatures should be used. If no reaction occurs the catalyst and gas will have the same temperature and the homogeneous model yields a good description. Hence, when fitting temperature profiles with this model the correct values of 2 m and ew are found. If reaction does occur the catalyst and the gas will have different temperatures because the heat of reaction must be transferred from the catalyst to the gas. If, despite this fact, a homogeneous model is used to calculate the temperature profiles, an error is introduced which is reflected in the values of 2~ and ~. As a consequence we create an apparent dependence of ).,ff and ew on the reaction rate. We derive criteria to determine which model must be used. We discuss results presented in the literature on the dependence of 2¢f e and e~ on the chemical reaction. The explanation is both qualitative and quantitative.
INTRODUCTIONSeveral studies have been conducted on the effective heat conductivity (2~ff) and the heat transfer coefficient at the wall (~w) inside packed beds [-see, for example, Damk6hler (1937), Zehner (1973, Hennecke and Schliinder (1973), Lerou and Froment (1977), Schlfinder (1966, 1978, Bauer (1977), Dixon and Cresswell (1979) and Hofmann (1979a, b)]. To this purpose models were developed for heat transfer inside packed beds. With these models the temperature profiles inside packed beds were fitted by varying 2elf and ~w. Thus the values of ~eff and ~w obtained in the literature are best-fit values. Several authors reported that 2eff and ~ are dependent on a chemical reaction occurring inside the packed bed [-see for example, Hofmann (1979b) and Chao et al. (1973)]. It is hardly likely that this dependence can be explained by experimental errors. It could also be possible that )let f and. c~w are affected by chemical reaction in some physico-chemical way. However, to our knowledge there is no indication whatsoever that can support this vision. The most probable explanation is that the model we use to fit 2ef¢ and ce w yields wrong results when chemical reaction occurs. Since 2ef f and ~ are fit parameters, an error in the model used will manifest ...