The velocity and the attenuation of fourth sound have been measured in liquid helium at temperatures between 0.8 K and the A point, along the vapor pressure curve. The measurements were made using the resonance technique and the helium was contained between small pores in packed powder specimens. From the velocity, it could be determined that the sound propagates under "adiabatic" conditions. According to theory, the attenuation of fourth sound consists of two contributions: surface losses due to heat exchange with the resonator body and volume losses due to dissipative processes associated with the viscosity coefficients ~7 and ~3. The results of our attenuation measurements are in agreement with this theory; however, it appears that the attenuation is affected at low temperatures, if the mean free path of an elementary excitation becomes comparable to or larger than the mean pore diameter of the packed powder samples.
L INTRODUCTIONIn helium II several modes of sound propagation exist, 1 one of which is fourth sound. Fourth sound represents a density oscillation only in the superfluid component, when the normal fluid component is locked. This condition can be experimentally achieved by containing helium II in restricted geometries (capillaries), which have a characteristic linear dimension (diameter) d, small compared to the penetration depth of the viscous wave h~, defined as Xo = (2~7/pnto) 1/2(1) ~7 and pn are the viscosity and the density of the normal fluid component, respectively, and ~o is the angular frequency.