“…[2] By using suitable pentafulvenes ligands,sodium or magnesium as reducing agents,a nd various Ti IV ,T i III ,Z r IV ,a nd Hf IV precursors,( h 5 :h 1 -C 5 H 4 CR 2 ) 2 M( M: Ti,Z r), [3] (h 5 :h 1 -C 5 H 4 CR 2 )(h 5 -C 5 R 5 )MX (M:T i, Zr,H f; X: Cl, R: H, Me), [4] and (h 5 :h 1 -C 5 H 4 CR 2 )(h 5 -C 5 H 5 ) 2 Zr [5] complexes become available in good yields on amultigram scale.The resulting p-h 5 :sh 1 coordination mode is attributed to as trong p backdonation from the metal to the fulvene moiety.T his coordination involves ac hange of the polarity (umpolung) of the exocyclic carbon atom of the fulvene ligand (C exo ). [6] This umpolung leads to astrong nucleophilic character of the C exo center compared to its electrophilic reactivity in the free ligand as used in the heydays of the pentafulvene chemistry in the early 1970s (Scheme 1). [7] Fort he (h 5 :h 1 -C 5 H 4 CR 2 ) 2 M( M: Ti,Z r) complexes, ab road range of subsequent reactions,s uch as electrophilic attack, [8] haptotropic shifts, [9] insertion of multiple-bondcontaining substrates (for example,n itriles,i sonitriles, imines,o rc arbonyl compounds), [3c, 10] and E À Hb ond activations are found.…”