The properties of the HfF+ cation are thought to be well-suited for investigations of the electron electric dipole moment (eEDM) and temporal variations of the fine structure constant. Precision spectroscopic measurements involving the X1Σ+ and low-lying 3Δ1 states have been proposed to measure both. Due to the lack of data for HfF+, the design of these experiments has relied entirely on the predictions of electronic structure calculations. Spectroscopic characterizations of the X1Σ+, 3Δ1, 3Δ2 and 3Δ3 states are reported. The results further support the contention that HfF+ is a viable candidate for eEDM measurements. The spacings between adjacent X1Σ+ and 3Δ1 levels are found to be less favorable for the proposed studies of the fine structure constant.