We have measured the coincidence time spectra of two Lyman-α photons emitted by a pair of H(2p) atoms in the photodissociation of H 2 at the incident photon energy of 33.66 eV and at the hydrogen gas pressures of 0.40 and 0.02 Pa. The decay time constant at 0.02 Pa is approximately half the lifetime of a single H(2p) atom, 1.60 ns, while the decay time constant at 0.40 Pa is in agreement with the lifetime of a single H(2p) atom. It turns out that the decay faster than the lifetime of a single H(2p) atom originates from the entanglement in the pair of H(2p) atoms. We have demonstrated an effect of entanglement on atomic decay.A large number of studies have been directed toward generating and manipulating entanglement in various qubits, which not only is at the heart of quantum theory but also plays an essential role in quantum information technologies [1][2][3][4]. A deeper understanding of entanglement has become increasingly important to overcome obstacles in the realization of quantum information technologies. One of them is that the entanglement in massive quantum particles is in general fragile against interaction with environments. From the perspective of this serious issue, theoretical studies were conducted on the dynamics of entanglement in two atoms located inside spatially separated cavities and a unique feature drastically different from single-particle dynamics was predicted, i.e., in some cases the entanglement disappears in a finite time due to spontaneous emission [5,6]. It was then experimentally demonstrated for an entangled photon pair, not for an entangled pair of massive quantum particles [7]. In this Rapid Communication, we reveal that entangled H(2p) atoms look as if they decay faster than a single H(2p) atom. This kind of investigation promotes the understanding of the transient properties of the entanglement emerging in a pair of massive quantum particles.Our group found an atom-pair formation process (1) followed by the emission of two photons and measured cross sections for the emission of two Lyman-α photons as a function of incident photon energy [8],(1)Recently, our group published two papers on the theoretical and experimental studies of the angular distribution of two Lyman-α photons in process (1). In the first paper, Miyagi et al. [9] pointed out that a pair of H(2p 0 ) and H(2p ±1 ) atoms produced from an H 2 molecule in the 1 u state, where the lower subscripts of 0 and ±1 denote the magnetic quantum * odagiri.t.aa@m.titech.ac.jp numbers m with respect to the internuclear axis, is entangled as follows:where two protons are labeled a and b and the two electrons are labeled 1 and 2. The internuclear distance r is infinite in the entangled state of two H(2p) atoms in Eq.(2). In fact, the value of r is 93 µm when the H(2p) atoms emit the Lyman-α photons, as calculated from the incident photon energy (33.66 eV as mentioned later), the dissociation limit of H(2p) + H(2p), and the lifetime of the H(2p) atom, i.e.,