Vacuum ultraviolet photolysis of water ice in the first absorption band was studied at 157 nm. Translational and internal energy distributions of the desorbed species, O͑ 1 D͒ and OH͑v =0,1͒, were directly measured with resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization method. Two different mechanisms are discussed for desorption of electronically excited O͑ 1 D͒ atoms from the ice surface. One is unimolecular dissociation of H 2 O to H 2 +O͑ 1 D͒ as a primary photoprocess. The other is the surface recombination reaction of hot OH radicals that are produced from photodissociation of hydrogen peroxide as a secondary photoprocess. H 2 O 2 is one of the major photoproducts in the vacuum ultraviolet photolysis of water ice.