Peniroquesine, a sesterterpenoid featuring a unique 5/6/5/6/5
pentacyclic ring system, has been known for a long time, but its biosynthetic
pathway/mechanism remains elusive. Based on isotopic labeling experiments,
a plausible biosynthetic pathway to peniroquesines A–C and
their derivatives was recently proposed, in which the characteristic
peniroquesine-type 5/6/5/6/5 pentacyclic skeleton is synthesized from
geranyl–farnesyl pyrophosphate (GFPP) via a complex concerted
A/B/C-ring formation, repeated reverse-Wagner–Meerwein alkyl
shifts, three successive secondary (2°) carbocation intermediates,
and a highly distorted trans-fused bicyclo[4.2.1]nonane
intermediate. However, our density functional theory calculations
do not support this mechanism. By applying a retro-biosynthetic theoretical
analysis strategy, we were able to find a preferred pathway for peniroquesine
biosynthesis, involving a multistep carbocation cascade including
triple skeletal rearrangements, trans-cis isomerization, and 1,3-H shift. This pathway/mechanism is in good
agreement with all of the reported isotope-labeling results.