The training of specialists for industrial areas and individual industries implies the availability of professional competencies that allow them to perform functional duties efficiently and efficiently. The specifics of professional activity can be expressed by a list of competencies that describe the field of tasks of specialists, their knowledge, skills, competencies, requirements for a specialist, both in terms of theoretical knowledge and practical experience, and personal components necessary for the performance of duties. Is it possible today to talk about a certain set of competencies for a particular profession or activity? There are various types of descriptions of professional activities of specialists: job descriptions, qualification reference books, professional standards, models of specialists, occupational descriptions, professional or qualification structures. Such a variety of formats for describing a profession, type of activity implies their different content, depending on the goals, design tasks, expected result of the project, characteristics of the employee’s activity, data necessary for accounting and control of the result. The purpose of the professionograms is to describe the necessary and sufficient competencies for a particular specialist. Such a description becomes a roadmap for obtaining professional education, for activities, for professional retraining and certification of a specialist. The methodology of designing professionograms is based on an algorithmic approach that allows describing the universal process of developing a professionogram for a specific field of activity.