Functional connection between the stomatognathic system and the acoustic-vestibular apparatus is mentioned from ancient times, being at the same time approached with interest in topical studies, in an attempt to elucidate in depth the cause-effect relationship between pathology and symptom.The theoretical and practical knowledge of anatomy accumulated over the years represent an indisputable proof of the connection that exists between the two entities, but there is a continuing debate nowadays about the extent to which the pathology of the temporomandibular joint can generate otological symptoms and especially the limits within which the treatment for this disorder can influence the diminution of the manifestations of the acoustic-vestibular system.Although symptoms such as otalgia, tinnitus, vertigo are commonly found in the ear pathology, ENT specialists are constantly confronted with situations where these phenomena are the clinical expression of certain disorders that go beyond the acoustic-vestibular analyzer. As the components of the dento-maxillary apparatus are, in many situations, cited as a source of the same symptomatology, the interdisciplinary collaboration between the ENT specialist and the dentist is essential in shaping a correct diagnosis and, implicitly, in focusing on an ideal treatment plan.
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND.Functional connection between the stomatognathic system and the acoustic-vestibular apparatus is ap-