DISCLAIMERA platinum (1 11) clean metal surface is used as a model system to experimentally verify the technique. A pattern measured at k = 9.68,-1 (351 eV electron kinetic energy) is used to generate a full three-dimensional image of atom locations around an emitter with nearest neighbors within 0.18, of the expected bulk positions. Atoms several layers beyond the nearest neighbors are also apparent. Twin-image reduction and artifact suppression is obtained by phase-summing eight patterns measured from k = 8.8 to 10.28,-1(295 to 396 eV). In total, thirty-two patterns were measured in 0.2A-1 steps from k = 6.0 to 12.281-1 (137 to 567 eV) and are presented here.Simple models of two-slit interference are compared with the electron scattering process to illuminate our understanding of the holographic recording of the structural 1 information. This view also shows why the technique occasionally fails due to destructive interferences. Simple theoretical models of electron scattering are compared to the experimental data to show the origin of the structural information and the differences that result from the atomic scattering process and from the nature of the source wave. Experimental parameters and their relationship to imaging is discussed. A detailed comparison is made to the platinum pattern measured at 351 eV using the simple theoretical model. The remaining data set is also modeled, and the eight appropriate theoretical patterns are used to regenerate the multiple-wavenumber experimental result.A second metal system of a clean Cu (001) surface is also measured and imaged using the same technique. Using the copper system as an example, a study is done to show how this type of holography can have a tendency to favor the imaging of forward scattering atoms. This confinns the ability of the technique to be used in buried overlayer or interface studies, in addition to overlayer and bulk systems.
DedicationThis dissertation is dedicated to my parents, Nene M. and Gary A. Petersen, for their endless love, patience, and support.... Effect of the source wave in the near and far field regions. is based on a holographic interpretation of angle-dependent oscillations in the partial cross section for core-level photoemission from a single crystal system. These oscillations are superimposed upon an atomic-like background and observed with an energy selective electron spectrometer over the kinetic energy range of 100 to 600 eV.
111Following appropriate data analysis and reduction, full three-dimensional angstromresolution images of the positions of neighboring atoms near surfaces may be obtained for the direct elucidation of true local geometry around the emitting atom. This work will present an example of photoelectron holography applied to a model system, the (1 11) surface of platinum, in both single and multiple-wavenumber cases. The result will be compared to the simplest models of electron interference and scattering in order to assess the practical applicability of the method, as well as its limitations. ...