Abstract-A study is made of the excitation of electromagnetic waves by spatially bounded, arbitrary sources in the presence of a cylindrical guiding structure immersed in an infinitely extended, homogeneous gyrotropic medium whose permittivity and permeability are both describable by tensors with nonzero off-diagonal elements. The axis of symmetry of the considered cylindrical structure is assumed to coincide with the gyrotropic axis. The total field is sought in terms of vector modal solutions of the source-free Maxwell equations. We determine the content of the modal spectrum and obtain an eigenfunction expansion of the source-excited field in terms of discreteand continuous-spectrum modes. The expansion coefficients of the modes are derived in explicit form. An expression for the total power radiated from sources is deduced and analyzed. It is shown that the developed approach makes it possible to readily represent the sourceexcited field without preliminary calculation of the dyadic Green's functions, which significantly facilitates the field evaluation.