The temperature dependence of the structure factor S͑k͒ of the instantaneous magnetic fluctuations in copper formate tetradeuterate has been investigated using neutron scattering techniques. Our data extend to unprecedently high temperatures (T ϳ J) compared to the 2D exchange coupling. The correlation length j and amplitude S 0 are in good agreement with the predictions for a 2D S 1͞2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a square lattice. [S0031-9007(98)07991-5] PACS numbers: 75.10.Jm, 05.70.Jk, 75.50.EeThe study of quantum magnets remains at the forefront of condensed matter physics. Their importance stems mainly from the fact that spin models continue to be a productive arena in which to develop many-body methods that have far ranging applicability. In addition there is the specific need to understand the role played by magnetism in determining the basic physical properties of various classes of materials, such as the cuprate based hightemperature superconductors. The magnetism of these particular materials is characterized by strongly fluctuating antiferromagnetically coupled quantum (S 1͞2) spins on a (almost) square 2D lattice, and for this reason the study of the corresponding theoretical model has attained a particularly significant status. (For a comprehensive review, see [1].) Here we present experimental data on the correlation length j and amplitude S 0 of the magnetic fluctuations measured to unprecedently high temperatures in copper formate tetradeuterate (CFTD), a 2D S 1͞2 magnet.Though no exact solution has been found, there is now a general consensus that the ground state of the 2D S 1͞2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a square lattice (2DQHAFSL) has long-range order (LRO). Using a spinwave approximation the ground state properties have been calculated as staggered magnetization N 0 0.307, spinwave stiffness r S 0.181J, and spin-wave velocity c 1.18 p 2 Ja, where J is the exchange coupling and a is the lattice constant [2].The understanding of the system at finite T was greatly advanced by the work of Chakravarty, Halperin, and Nelson (CHN) [3]. For T ø J, the behavior of the system was investigated by mapping it onto the quantum nonlinear sigma model (QNLsM). Depending on the coupling parameter g, which expresses the strength of the quantum fluctuations, the QNLsM will show LRO at T 0 for g , g c . As the 2DQHAFSL is believed to have LRO at T 0, it must correspond to g , g c . For low temperatures CHN found that the only effect of the quantum fluctuations is to renormalize the coupling constants. In this renormalized classical region the correlation length j has been calculated to 3-loop order by Hasenfratz and Niedermeyer [4] with the result thatThe structure factor has an almost Lorentzian line shape with an amplitude given by [5] S 0 13.50 3 N 2 0 j 2 T 2 ͑2pr S ͒ 2 .(2)At higher temperatures, the QNLsM exhibits a crossover to the so-called quantum critical (QC) region, where the proximity to the QC point g g c dominates the behavior [6]. For the square lattice S 1͞2 system the crossover is predicted...