73.21.Fg We study the electronic states of GaAs-AlAs Fibonacci heterostructures grown along the (001) direction. We employ an empirical tight-binding Hamiltonian including spin-orbit coupling together with the surface Green's function matching method. We present results for the L point of the finite eighth Fibonacci generation. We compare these results with those of the constituent quantum wells. No Fibonacci spectrum is found in the energy regions studied, but broad bands with different spatial localization in different energy ranges.
IntroductionThe physical properties of quasi-periodic systems have been studied intensively in the last years . The interest was mainly coming from the theoretical side by the prediction that these systems should manifest non-conventional electron and phonon states [9,11,23,25] exhibiting energy spectra with a high fragmentation and fractal character [7,17,24]. The experimental growth of Fibonacci [2, 3] and ThueMorse [4] multilayered systems has provided the practical realization of these systems. The Fibonacci system, a linear lattice constructed recursively, is the one-dimensional (1D) version of the quasi-crystals, and it has been the subject of intensive theoretical study as a model of the quasi-crystals. The electronic structure of the Fibonacci system has been investigated mainly in the single-band tight-binding limit. In these studies, it was found that the energy spectrum is self-similar, and the energy band divides into three subbands, each of which further subdivides into three, and so on [13-16], thus producing a singular continuous spectrum [21], which in the infinite limit reduces to a Cantor-like spectrum [17] with dense energy gaps everywhere [7][8][9][10]. A much more realistic study was presented in Ref.[28] by using an empirical tight-binding (ETB) sp 3 s * Hamiltonian [35], with no spin-orbit coupling, and arranging one monolayer of GaAs and one monolayer of AlAs in a Fibonacci sequence. The authors of Ref.[28] obtained the electronic structure of a superlattice having as period a 12th Fibonacci generation, containing 144 GaAs and 89 AlAs monolayers. Fibonacci generations ranging from the second to the fifth, but including more monolayers in each constituent block, were studied in Refs. [29,30] by using a similar ETB Hamiltonian, now including the spin-orbit coupling [36]. It was found in these more realistic studies [28][29][30] that the Fibonacci spectrum could only be observed for some energy ranges and for wavevectors in the vicinity of the superlattice G point. It was found also that the lower conduction and higher valence bands exhibited a selective spatial localization in the thickest GaAs slabs forming the superlattices. In Refs. [32,33], Fibonacci, Thue-Morse, and Rudin-Shapiro finite multilayered systems were studied by using models similar to those of Refs. [29,30] including different types of building blocks. It was found that the