Diesel emission fluid (DEF) soaking and urea deposits on selective catalytic reduction (SCR) catalysts are critical issues for real diesel engine NH 3 -SCR systems. To investigate the impact of DEF soaking and urea deposits on SCR catalyst performance, fresh Cu-zeolite catalyst samples were drilled from a full-size SCR catalyst. Those samples were impregnated with DEF solutions and subsequently hydrothermally treated to simulate DEF soaking and urea deposits on real SCR catalysts during diesel engine operations. Their SCR performance was then evaluated in a flow reactor with a four-step test protocol. Test results show that the DEF soaking leached some Cu from the SCR catalysts and slightly reduced their Cu loadings. The loss of Cu and associated metal sites on the catalysts weakened their catalytic oxidation abilities and caused lower NO/NH 3 oxidation and lower high-temperature N 2 O selectivity. Lower Cu loading also made the catalysts less active to the decomposition of surface ammonium nitrates and decreased low-temperature N 2 O selectivity. Cu loss during DEF impregnation released more acid sites on the surface of the catalysts and increased their acidities, and more NH 3 was able to be adsorbed and involved in SCR reactions at medium and high temperatures. Due to lower NH 3 oxidation and higher NH 3 storage, the DEF-impregnated SCR catalyst samples showed higher NO x conversion above 400 °C compared with the non-soaked one. The negative impact of urea deposits during DEF impregnation was not clearly observed, because the high-temperature hydrothermal treatment helped to remove the urea deposits.