h i k a w a F a c u l t y o f E n g i n e e r i n g , H o k k a i d o U n i v e r s i t y , K i t a -k u , S a p p o r o 060, J a p a n Studies of the utilization of the electron spin echo method for elucidating the nature and behavior of free radicals in 3'-irradiated polyethylene and poly(methyl methacrylate) are reviewed to demonstrate the importance and usefulness of this method generally for studying the effects of radiation on polymers. The paramagnetic relaxation was found to be largely due to the dipolar interaction between radicals and generally follow non-exponential kinetics. The dependence of the relaxations on the molecular motion and, therefore, on the site of the radicals is utilized for the relaxationresolved electron spin resonance measurement. This new technique was able to discriminate the