We show that Mn atoms diffuse with two different mechanisms at high and low temperatures in CoFeB-and CoFe-based magnetic tunnel junctions. By combining high resolution and scanning transmission electron microscopy, we reveal that below 300°C, the amorphous CoFeB and the textured CoFe are equally effective in blocking the diffusion of Mn, contradicting the conventional wisdom that the diffusion occurs primarily along grain boundaries. Below 300°C, Mn diffusion in crystalline CoFe occurs through the bulk and is assisted by oxygen atoms which only diffuse parallel to the bcc close-packed ͑110͒ plane. Above 300°C, Mn diffuses through vacancies along the grain boundaries of CoFe and in the bulk of amorphous CoFeB. A universal diffusion temperature is proposed based on an isokinetic relation. The physics of spintronics devices 1-5 is studied in terms of their electronic, magnetic, and structural properties. These properties are intimately connected. The first two have been reasonably understood. The much less understood structural property of magnetic tunnel junctions ͑MTJs͒ includes the critical question of their thermal stability. It is known that Mn atoms diffuse into the barrier layer and act as magnetic impurity, which can greatly reduce the tunneling magnetoresistance ͑TMR͒ of MTJs in a manner similar to spin valves. [6][7][8][9]11 Despite a great deal of work relating Mn diffusion to annealing temperature T a ͑Refs. 12-14͒ and to oxygen diffusion, 9 and the speculation 14 that at moderate T a amorphous CoFeB can block Mn diffusion more effectively than polycrystalline CoFe, there is not a clear physical picture of Mn-diffusion mechanism and what roles individual microstructures play.It was shown that the measured diffusivity of Mn in Co cannot account for the observed Mn profile in annealed MTJs, and oxygen-assisted diffusion was proposed 9 as the most likely Mn-diffusion mechanism. Usually, diffusion along grain boundaries is much faster than in the bulk.10 This is the assumed reason for why amorphous CoFeB can block Mn ͑or oxygen͒ diffusion. This assumption implies that diffusion mechanisms in crystalline CoFe and amorphous CoFeB are different. Then, is it a coincidence that the TMRs for both types of MTJs peak at the same annealing temperature of just below 300°C?In this paper, we first present observations from CoFeBand CoFe-based MTJs using high resolution transmission electron microscopy ͑HRTEM͒ and high angle annular dark field ͑HAADF͒ image with line scan energy dispersive spectrum ͑EDS͒ in scanning transmission electron microscopy ͑STEM͒ mode. We show that both amorphous CoFeB and textured polycrystalline CoFe can effectively block Mn diffusion at low temperature, while nontextured polycrystalline CoFe cannot. Based on this observation, we propose that two different diffusion mechanisms are at play. At low temperature, the dominant mechanism is oxygen-assisted Mn diffusion. Such diffusion occurs more easily through the bulk of the crystalline CoFe but only parallel to the close-packed ͑110͒ plane, whi...