We review experimental and theoretical results on thermal transport in semiconductor nanostructures (multilayer thin films, core/shell and segmented nanowires), single-and few-layer graphene, hexagonal boron nitride, molybdenum disulfide and black phosphorus. Different possibilities of phonon engineering for optimization of electrical and heat conductions are discussed. The role of the phonon energy spectra modification on the thermal conductivity in semiconductor nanostructures is revealed. The dependence of thermal conductivity in graphene and related two-dimensional (2D) materials on temperature, flake size, defect concentration, edge roughness and strain is analyzed. PACS: 63.22.Rc, 63.22-m, 65.80.Ck, 65.80.-g 1 Corresponding author (DLN): dlnika@yahoo.com 2
Thermal transport in semiconductor nanostructuresRapid miniaturization of electronic devices to nanoscale range requires new approaches for efficient management of their heat and electrical conductions. One of these approaches, referred to as phonon engineering [1], is related to optimization of thermal and electronic properties of nanodimensional structures due to modification of their phonon properties [1][2][3]. At the end of the previous century several research groups have demonstrated that many phonon confined branches appear in energy spectra of homogeneous semiconductor thin films and nanowires [4][5][6][7][8][9], leading to change in phonon density of states and reduction of average phonon group velocity in comparison with corresponding bulk materials [7][8][9]. The latter together with enhanced phonon boundary scattering results in decreasing of lattice thermal conductivity (TC). Balandin and Wang [7] have theoretically predicted that lattice thermal conductivity of 10-nm-wide silicon film is by an order of magnitude smaller than that in bulk silicon at room temperature (RT). Fivetimes drop of lattice thermal conductivity was also theoretically predicted for Si nanowire with a diameter of 20 nm [10]. Subsequent independent theoretical studies [11][12][13][14][15][16][17] and experimental measurements of thermal conductivity in several nm-thick free-standing Si films and nanowires [18][19][20][21] confirmed the initial predictions: strong reduction of lattice thermal conductivity as compared with bulk material was revealed.More precise tuning of phonon properties and heat conduction at nanoscale can be realized in multilayer films (MFs) and core/shell nanowires (NWs) [22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33]. The evolution of phonon energies in homogeneous silicon films and silicon films covered by diamond claddings is illustrated in Figure 1, where we show the dispersion relations for the dilatation (SA) phonon modes in the freestanding Si film (a); Diamond/Si/Diamond heterostructures with the different thickness of the diamond (D) barrier layer (b-c); and Si film with the clamped external surfaces (d), which correspond to a film embedded in the "absolutely" rigid material. The thickness of the Si layer in all cases is 2 nm to insure the ...