In the absence of a well-accepted, mathematical description of how units of material respond to one or more external actions, scientists must often rely upon empirically-derived models to make predictions. These models are often employed to model very complex phenomena, with an unfortunate side-effect that intuition, as to the values of particular model parameters, may not serve to guide their use. Given our increased reliance on modeling and simulation to make predictions in the absence of experimental data, it befits the scientific and engineering communities to explore and report upon uncertainty quantification techniques applied to previously adopted (or at least well-accepted) empirical models that derive from or pertain to substantial experimental data sets. This report represents a collection of three methodologies aimed at assessing the predictive capability of the empirical thermal conductivity model adopted by the nuclear fuel performance code, FRAPCON-3.4. Each of these methodologies considers the effect of uncertain parameters-a plausible reality in the context of empirically-derived models-on the ability of the model to predict uranium dioxide conductivity data from open literature sources. The results lead the authors to question the predictive capability of the FRAPCON model for predicting the thermal conductivities associated with irradiated fuel samples. The report concludes with a preliminary examination of Idaho National Laboratory's (INL) nuclear fuel performance code, BISON, developed under INL's Multiphysics Object Oriented Simulation Environment (MOOSE).