This paper demonstrates the application of a modified Avrami equation in the analysis of crystallisation curves obtained using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The model incorporates a square root of time dependence of the secondary process into the conventional Avrami equation and, although previously validated using laser flash analysis and infrared spectroscopy, is not currently transferable to DSC. Application of the model to calorimetric data required long-duration isotherms and a series of data treatments. Once implemented, the square root of time dependence of the secondary process was once again observed. After separation of the secondary process from the primary, a mechanistic n value of 3 was obtained for the primary process. Kinetic parameters obtained from the analysis were used in the model to regenerate the fractional crystallinity curves. Comparison of the model with experimental data generated R 2 values in excess of 0.995. Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) was used as model polymer due to the prominent secondary crystallisation behaviour that this polymer is known to display.The crystallisation kinetics of a polymer are generally described by the following Avrami equation [15]:where X p,t is the fractional primary crystallinity; X p,∞ is the final primary crystallinity; Z p is the Avrami primary crystallisation rate constant; t is time and n an integer combining values attributed to both the geometry and mechanism of nucleation. Although this equation is widely used, it often generates non-integer n values. In addition, it does not take into account the secondary crystallisation process, which has been proven to occur during polymer crystallisation [16][17][18][19]. Numerous authors have proposed modifications to the Avrami equation to account for these issues, with the most notable being Hillier [20,21], Velisaris [17] and Hay [22].The method developed by Hillier [20] assumes an initial constant radial growth of spherulites, followed by a first-order increase in crystallinity at time θ. This leads to the standard Avrami equation for the primary process (Equation (1)) and a modified version for the secondary process (Equation (2)) in which the n exponent is taken as 1:where X s,t−θ is the fractional crystallinity formed after time θ; X s,∞ is the final fractional crystallinity; and z s is the secondary rate constant. These two equations can then be combined to give an expression for the total crystallinity at time t. X t = X p,t + t 0