The electrical resistivity of RMn 12Ϫx Fe x ͑RϭEr,Ho͒ polycrystalline system with xϭ0, 4, 5, and 6 was measured over the temperature range of 4 to 300 K. The resistivity increases sharply near the Ne ´el temperature T N for xϭ4, 5, and 6 which, according to existing theories, can be ascribed to the formation of superzone gaps. Then, the resistivity increase should be proportional to the staggered magnetization mЈ below T N , whereas we find experimentally that it is quadratic in mЈ. Thermal smearing of the gaps can lead to such a dependence. There is no evidence for superzone effects in xϭ0 compounds. A combination of spin disorder, phonon, and impurity scattering gives a good account for the experimental data.