Two analogs of podophyllotoxin, with the same absolute stereochemistry as the natural product, have been synthesized from the cycloadduct between a-hydroxy-a'-phenyl-o-quinodirnethane and the furnarate of S-methyl lactate. After initial attempts to produce the cycloadduct from photochemically generated a-hydroxy-a'-phenyl-o-quinodirnethane failed, a study of the thermal generation and reaction of a-hydroxy-o-quinodirnethane with the fumarate and acrylate of S-methyl lactate was made. A comparison was made of the diastereoselectivity of these cycloaddition reactions to those previously reported, in which the o-quinodirnethane was generated photochemically. The a-hydroxy-o-quinodirnethane was produced both by the known thermolysis of benzocyclobutenol and by therrnolysis of l-hydroxy-l,3-dihydrobenzo[c]thiophene-2,2-dioxide. The diastereorneric excess for the cycloaddition reactions was found to be greater than 95% with modest (ca. 55%) isolated yields of the major cycloadducts. Following these model studies, it was found that a-hydroxy-a'-phenyl-o-quinodirnethane produced thermally from l-hydroxy-3-phenyl-1,3-dihydrobenzo[c]thiophene-2,2-dioxide could be added to the furnarate of S-methyl lactate with high diastereoselectivity and good yield. The product of this reaction was converted to the podophyllotoxin analogs 7 and 17. Utilisant le cycloadduit obtenu par condensation de I'a-hydroxy-a'-phtnyl-o-quinodirnkthane et du fumarate du lactate de S-rnCthyle, on a synthCtisC deux analogues de la podophyllotoxine possCdant la m&rne stCrCochirnie que le produit naturel. I1 n'a pas Ct C possible de produire le cycloadduit B partir de l'a-hydroxy-a'-phenyl-o-quinodimkthane obtenu photochirniquernent; on a donc utilist une rnkthode thermique pour gCnCrer I'a-hydroxy-o-quinodirnCthane et pour rCaliser sa rCaction avec le furnarate du lactate de S-rnCthyle. On a effectuk une cornparaison de la diastkrCosClectivitC de ces rCactions de cycloaddition avec celles rapportCes antkrieurernent, alors que 1'0-quinodirnethane avait CtC gCnerC d'une f a~o n photochirnique. L'-a-hydroxy-oquinodirnkthane a CtC obtenu par la thermolyse connue du benzocyclobutCno1 ainsi que par la therrnolyse du 1-hydroxy-1,3-dihydrobenzo[c]thiophkne-2,2-dioxyde. On a trouvC que l'excks de diastCrCornkres eit plus grand que 95% alors que le rendernent en cycloadduits principaux isolCs n'est que de 55%. A la suite de ces Ctudes rnodkles, on a trouvC que I 'a-hydroxy-a'-phCnyl-o-quinodirnkthane obtenu therrniquernent B partir du l-hydroxy-3-phCnyl-l,3-dihydrobenzo[c]thiophkne-2,2-dioxyde peut &tre addition& au furnarate du lactate de S-rnkthyle avec une excellente diasterkosklectivitC et un excellent rendernent. Le produit de cette rkaction peut &tre transform6 dans les analogues 7 et 17 de la podophyllotoxine.Mots clis : o-quinodirnkthanes, asyrnetrique, Diels-Alder, lactate, podophyllotoxine, lignane.[Traduit par la revue] Introduction The synthesis of aryl tetralin ligans such as dimethyl isolariciresinol or podophyllotoxin requires the stereoselective a...