This article presents aspects related to the protection (with a double shield made of stainless steel) of a robot for emergency situations against the effect of flames due to a fire. The ground robot is semi-autonomous/autonomous, with a wheeled propeller (6 × 6). The robot, designed and built at the TRL 2 level, is intended for fire investigation, monitoring, and intervention (and, in particular, for petrochemical plants). The role of the shield is to protect the equipment that is part of the robot including its controllers, sensors, communications, power supply, etc. The need to mount a thermal protection shield on the intervention robot was given by the fact that fires at petrochemical plants generate very large thermal fields and gradients which are responsible for creating blind spots. These blind spots do not allow intervention crews to see what is happening in that area. These blind spots are characterized by very high temperatures. The dynamics of these fires can be unpredictable. Therefore, to analyze the performance of the heat shield in this study we perform a numerical-experimental analysis.