The dielectric relaxation strength, ⌬⑀ JG , the relaxation rate, f m,JG and the distribution parameter, ␣ JG , of the faster relaxation process in D-sorbitol have been studied as a function of temperature and the cooling rate. Amongst these, f m,JG and ␣ JG of the glass and the supercooled liquid change smoothly with the temperature, T, but ⌬⑀ JG of the glassy state increases slowly on heating until the glass-softening range is reached and thereafter it increases rapidly at T above the glass-softening temperature, T g . Thus its plot against T has an elbow-shape, remarkably similar to that observed for the volume, enthalpy and entropy. The derivative (d⌬⑀ JG /dT) increases relatively abruptly at T g like the thermal expansion coefficient and the heat capacity of a glass. Thus ⌬⑀ JG is a function of the state's entropy and volume. The distribution of relaxation times became narrower as T was increased, and f m,JG increased according to the Arrhenius equation, f m,JG ϭ2.992ϫ10 14 exp ͓Ϫ5.312ϫ10 4 /RT͔, where Rϭ8.314 J ͑K mol) Ϫ1 . It is deduced that f m,JG increases on structural relaxation of D-sorbitol. The results indicate that the relaxation mechanism involves motions of segments of the D-sorbitol molecules or of the whole molecule in local regions.