Optomechanical systems explore and exploit the coupling between light and the mechanical motion of matter. A nonlinear coupling offers access to rich new physics, in both the quantum and classical regimes. We investigate a dynamic, as opposed to the usually studied static, nonlinear optomechanical system, comprising of a nanosphere levitated and cooled in a hybrid electro-optical trap. An optical cavity offers readout of both linear-in-position and quadratic-in-position (nonlinear) light-matter coupling, whilst simultaneously cooling the nanosphere to millikelvin temperatures for indefinite periods of time in high vacuum. We observe cooling of the linear and non-linear motion, leading to a 10 5 fold reduction in phonon number np, attaining final occupancies of np = 100 − 1000. This work puts cavity cooling of a levitated object to the quantum ground-state firmly within reach.Cavity optomechanics, the cooling and coherent manipulation of mechanical oscillators using optical cavities, has undergone rapid progress in recent years [1], with many experimental milestones realized. These include cooling to the quantum level [2,3], optomechanically induced transparency (OMIT) [4], and the transduction [5][6][7] and squeezing [8] of light. These important processes are due to a linear light-matter interaction; linear in both the position of the oscillatorx and the amplitude of the optical fieldâ.Nonlinear optomechanical interactions open up a new range of applications which are so far largely unexplored. In principle, they allow quantum nondemolition (QND) measurements of energy and thus the possibility of monitoring quantum jumps in a macroscopic system [1,9]. They also offer the prospect of observing phonon quantum shot noise [10], nonlinear OMIT [11,12], and the preparation of macroscopic nonclassical states [13]. To achieve a nonlinear interaction one can use optical means, which require strong single-photon coupling to the mechanical system [11,12] but are a considerable experimental challenge. Nonlinearities can also arise from spatial, mechanical effects, by engineering, for example, a light-matter interaction of the form (â+â † )(G 1x +G 2x 2 ). Previous studies investigated the static shift in the cavity resonant frequency [9,14,15] or the quadratic optical spring effect [15] arising from a nonlinear coupling. However, these studies identified the problem of a residual linear G 1 contribution to the coupling. Not only can G 1 allow unwanted back-action, but a large G 2 1 contribution (e.g. [14]) can mask the signatures of true nonlinear G 2 coupling.In this work, we study a nanosphere levitated in a hybrid system formed from a Paul trap and an optical cavity [16] as shown in fig 1. The output of the cavity is used to access the linear and nonlinear dynamics of the particle. We are able to tune the G 1 : G 2 ratio to reach G 2 G 1 , isolating the true nonlinear dynamics. Further, due to the dynamic nature of this experiment, we are able to observe the cooling, in time, of the nonlinear contribution to motion. To ...