Entangled multipartite states are resources for universal quantum computation, but they can also give rise to ensembles of unitary transformations, a topic usually studied in the context of random quantum circuits. Using several graph state techniques, we show that these resources can 'derandomize' circuit results by sampling the same kinds of ensembles quantum mechanically, analogously to a quantum random number generator. Furthermore, we find simple examples that give rise to new ensembles whose statistical moments exactly match those of the uniformly random distribution over all unitaries up to order t, while foregoing adaptive feed-forward entirely. Such ensembles -known as t-designs -often cannot be distinguished from the 'truly' random ensemble, and so they find use in many applications that require this implied notion of pseudorandomness.Introduction -Randomness is an important resource in both classical and quantum information theory, underpinning cryptography, characterisation, and simulation. Random unitary transformations are often considered in the form of random quantum circuits, with wide-ranging applications in, for example, estimating noise[1], private channels[2], modelling thermalisation[3], photonics [4], and even black hole physics [5]. Uniform randomness -sampling from the 'flat' measure on a continuous set -is however very resource intensive. A natural definition of a less costly pseudorandom ensemble is one whose statistical moments are equal to those of the uniform ensemble up to some finite order t -this is the defining property of a t-design. Analogous to combinatorial designs that arise in many areas [6], in the quantum community the concept was first applied to states [7], and later to processes [8], the latter being the topic of much recent work (e.g. [9]) and are our concern here.