Cratons are the ancient continental cores, around which continents accrete and grow. They are stable for billions of years, and due to their geologic evolution often provide an abundancy of resources, for example, rare earth elements and diamonds. Cratons are usually underlain by thick continental lithosphere, their so-called "roots", which can reach up to about 250 km into the Earth (e.g., Steinberger & Becker, 2018). With a few exceptions (Kaban et al., 2015), these roots resist mantle convection, and thus deviate mantle flow. Therefore, a better understanding of cratons, their evolution and dynamics may provide further insight to large-scale dynamic and tectonic processes. Cratons appear to be buoyant with respect to the underlying mantle despite the fact that their long-term cooling causes an increase in density. A commonly cited explanation is the iso-pycnic hypothesis (Jordan, 1978) that is based on the counter-balancing effect of chemical buoyancy. The density increase caused by reduced temperatures is balanced by density decrease from depletion in heavy constituents, mostly iron (Fe;Griffin, O'Reilly, Natapov, & Ryan, 2003). Depletion is commonly measured by means of Mg#, the percentage of Magnesium (Mg) in the total amount of Mg and Fe (100*Mg/(Mg + Fe)) in mantle minerals. Mg#s around 89 are common for fertile mantle rocks, while strongly depleted samples exhibit values around 94 (Griffin, O'Reilly,