Local density approximation (LDA) and Becke88/Perdew86
gradient-corrected density functional theory
calculations are used to estimate the heterolytic bond energy,
E(M−X), corresponding to the process
→ Mg
4+ + 6Xg
The computed data, including scalar relativistic corrections for
second- and third-row
metals, are benchmarked against updated values for the bonds Zr−Cl,
Mo−Cl, Pd−Cl, Sn−Cl, Hf−Cl, W−Cl,
W−Br, Re−Cl, Re−Br, Os−Cl, Ir−Cl, Pt−Cl, Pt−Br, Ti−Cl,
Ti−Br, and Ni−F derived from a combination
of thermochemical and computational data on the antifluorite
A2MX6 hexahalometallate(IV) salts.
tends to overbind, and the bond energies are generally too large.
The BP method systematically reduces
these values by about 60 kJ mol-1, giving a significantly
better comparison with experiment. However,
LDA-optimized M−X bond lengths, both in vacuo and for a
model ‘in crystal'
{K8[PdCl6]}6+ cluster,
generally in better agreement with experiment.