SUMMARYThis paper provides the theoretical calculation results of thermodynamic and transport properties of CO 2 , CO 2 -O 2 mixture, CO 2 -H 2 mixture under thermal equilibrium condition at temperatures of 300 to 30,000 K and at pressures of 0.1 to 10 MPa. The gas CO 2 is one of the candidates for the environmentally benign arc-quenching medium in a circuit breaker. Furthermore, the effect of additional gases O 2 and H 2 on the thermodynamic and transport properties of CO 2 was also investigated in this paper. The hydrogen atom included CO 2 is similar to the polymer ablated vapor in switching devices. First, equilibrium compositions of CO 2 , CO 2 -O 2 mixture, CO 2 -H 2 mixture were calculated through the Gibbs free energy minimization method. Second, thermodynamic properties were computed using the calculated composition. Finally, transport properties were calculated by the first-order approximation of ChapmanEnskog method using the collision integrals between species. Inclusion of H 2 increases the electrical conductivity of CO 2 in the range 3000 to 6000 K because CHO molecules produced in this temperature range emit more electrons due to the lower ionization potential of CHO. It also increases the thermal conductivity of CO 2 especially due to dissociation reactions of H 2 around 3900 K and ionization of H around 15,000 K. These properties provided here can be used for CO 2 thermal plasma simulation.