The necessary and sufficient conditions for a unit time-like vector field to be the unit velocity of a classical ideal gas are obtained. In a recent paper [Coll, Ferrando and Sáez, Phys. Rev D 99 (2019)] we have offered a purely hydrodynamic description of a classical ideal gas. Here we take one more step in reducing the number of variables necessary to characterize these media by showing that a plainly kinematic description can be obtained. We apply the results to obtain test solutions to the hydrodynamic equation that model the evolution in local thermal equilibrium of a classical ideal gas. PACS numbers: 04.20.-q, 04.20.Jb D(u, ρ, p) = 0 .This means that (2) is a consequence of (1), and conversely, for any solution {u, ρ, p} of (2), a solution {u, ρ, p, n, ǫ, s, Θ} of (1) exists. In other words, (2) is the integrability condition for the system (1) to admit a solution {n, ǫ, s, Θ}.