Abstract. The effect of nucleon-nucleon correlations in symmetric nuclear matter at finite temperature is studied beyond BCS theory. We calculate the critical temperature for a BEC superfluid of deuterons, of a BCS superfluid of nucleons, and in the crossover between these limits. The effect of the correlations on the liquid-gas phase transition is discussed. Our results show that nucleon-nucleon correlations beyond BCS play an important role for the properties of nuclear matter, especially in the low-density region.
IntroductionPairing and nucleon-nucleon correlations are important properties of interacting nuclear systems. For example, in the weak-coupling limit, i.e., at high density, the nucleons form Cooper pairs, and below a certain critical temperature T c the system is in a superfluid phase as described by the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) theory. In the strong-coupling limit, i.e., at low density, neutrons and protons form deuteron bound states which will condense if the temperature is below the critical temperature for the corresponding Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC). It was believed that there is a smooth crossover which connecting the BCS and BEC limits. Qualitatively, especially at zero temperature, these features can be studied within the BCS (mean field) approximation. Quantitatively, however, the critical temperature obtained in this way is too high because the BCS theory does not include the existence of non-condensed pairs at finite temperature. In order to go beyond mean field, one has to consider pair correlations already above the critical temperature, as in the Nozières-Schmitt-Rink (NSR) theory [1].It is well known that there exists a liquid-gas phase transition in nuclear matter. Within mean-field theory, we know that the BCS-BEC crossover is completely covered by the instability region of the liquid-gas phase transition. In the case of the ultracold atomic Fermi gases, because the pair correlations stabilize the gas [1] such that the system does not collapse into its solid ground state but it remains in its metastable gas state. By analogy, one expects that pair correlations will stabilize low-density nuclear matter and thus reduce the liquid-gas coexistence region. One of our subjects of investigation is to evaluate quantitatively the strength of this effect of nucleon-nucleon correlations on the liquid-gas phase transition.