The influence of cytosine methylation on the supercoil-stabilized B-Z equilibrium in Escherichia coli was analyzed by two independent assays. Both the M EcoRI inhibition assay and the linking-number assay have been used previously to establish that dC-dG segments of sufficient lengths can exist as left-handed helices in vivo. A series of dC-dG plasmid inserts with Z-form potential, ranging in length from 14 to 74 base pairs, was investigated. Complete methylation of cytosine at all HhaI sites, including the inserts, was obtained by coexpression of the HhaI methyltransferase (M -HhaI) in cells also carrying a dC-dG-containing plasmid. Both assays showed that for all lengths of dC-dG inserts, the relative amounts of B and Z helices were shifted to more Z-DNA in the presence of M -HhaI than in the absence of M HhaI. These results indicate that cytosine methylation enhances the formation of Z-DNA helices at the superhelix density present in E. coli. The B-Z equilibrium, in combination with site-specific base methylation, may constitute a concerted mechanism for the modulation of DNA topology and DNA-protein interactions.DNA structural microheterogeneity is believed to play a fundamental role in genetic regulatory mechanisms (16,20). Left-handed DNA (Z-DNA) is a structural alternative to right-handed DNA (B-DNA) that has been well characterized in vitro (14,17,21). Recently, it was demonstrated that Z-DNA can exist in living Escherichia coli cells and that a given sequence can coexist in the Z form and the B form in the same cell (7,8,15,22,23). The in vivo B-Z equilibrium is influenced by active biological processes (like transcription, replication, supercoil and toroid formations, and DNAprotein interactions).There is evidence that cytosine methylation may have an important signaling function in eucaryotic gene expression (4, 11). The hypomethylation of gene regulatory regions is often connected to an expressed state of those genes, whereas silent genes are generally overmethylated. In vitro, cytosine methylation also facilitates the B-to-Z transition in synthetic linear DNA polymers (1, 2, 5) and in certain sequences in supercoiled recombinant plasmids (10,25).In previous studies, we employed two independent assays for structural analyses under in vivo conditions. The first assay was based on the observation that a recognition sequence (GAATTC) is not methylated by the corresponding bacterial methyltransferase (M EcoRI) when this site is near or inside a left-handed helix, whereas other EcoRI sites in the same plasmid molecule were completely methylated (8,23). The presence of a Z structure around the unmethylated sites was confirmed by a variety of chemical, enzymatic, and topological approaches (14,16,17,21,24 On this basis, the formation of Z-DNA inside growing bacterial cells could be analyzed by a linking-number assay. The B-to-Z transition inside E. coli cells results in the relaxation of a number of supercoils, in proportion to the length of the Z-region involved. This process causes DNA gyrase to decrease...