We address the problem of calculating the correlation functions of one-dimensional two-component gases with strong repulsive contact interactions. The model considered in this paper describes particles with fractional statistics and in appropriate limits reduces to the Gaudin-Yang model or the spinor Bose gas. In the case of impenetrable particles we derive a Fredholm determinant representation for the temperature-, time-, and space-dependent correlation functions which is very easy to implement numerically and constitute the starting point for the analytical investigation of the asymptotics. Making use of this determinant representation and the solution of an associated Riemann-Hilbert problem we derive the low-energy asymptotics of the correlators in the spin-incoherent regime characterized by near ground-state charge degrees of freedom but a highly thermally disordered spin sector. The asymptotics present features reminiscent of spin-charge separation with the spin part exponentially decaying in space separation and oscillating with a period proportional to the statistics parameter while the charge part presents scaling with anomalous exponents which cannot be described by any unitary conformal field theory. The momentum distribution and the Fourier transform of the dynamical Green's function are asymmetrical for arbitrary statistics, a direct consequence of the broken space-reversal symmetry. Due to the exponential decay the momentum distribution n(k) at zero temperature does not present algebraic singularities but the tails obey the universal decay lim k→±∞ n(k) ∼ C/k 4 with the amplitude C given by Tan's contact. As a function of the statistics parameter the contact is a monotonic function reaching its minimum for the fermionic system and the maximum for the bosonic system.