Summary.-The in vivo response of B16 melanoma and Lewis lung carcinoma to combinations of hyperthermia and graded doses of CCNU or Melphalan was studied. To obtain dose-response curves and quantitive comparisons of different treatments, an agar-colony assay was used to measure survival of cells from excised tumours.For heating experiments, the use of 2 tumours per animal, one heated and one not, allowed all other factors to be kept constant. When tumours were immersed in a water-bath at 43°C for 1 h, Thermal Enhancement Ratios (TER) measured from the slopes of the dose-response curves were up to 1-6 for CCNU and 2-4 for Melphalan. Direct heat killing of about 1 decade was seen for 1 h at 43°C.The anaesthetic Saffan also enhanced drug cell kill; the largest Dose Modifying Factor (2-7) was measured for Melphalan in the Lewis lung tumour.The duration of heating, and waterbath temperature, both influenced the enhancement of cell killing by CCNU, as did the time of excision of tumours between 0 and 31 h after treatment. There was no difference in effect between 31 and 24 h.The interaction between heat and CCNU varied if the interval between them was altered. The maximum effect was found if the heat and drug were given in close sequence.