We investigate the magneto-optical properties of a nonstoichiometric, epitaxial Co 2 Mn 0.77 Ge 0.42 ͑001͒ film grown on a MgO-buffered MgO͑001͒ single-crystal substrate. Magneto-optical Kerr effect magnetometry indicates that the sample has strong uniaxial anisotropy, whereas the easy and hard axes of magnetization are tilted by ϳ10°with respect to the ͓110͔ and ͓110͔ directions, respectively. A modest quadratic Kerr effect with an amplitude of 0.4 mdeg was observed. Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy was used to find that the exchange constant A, spin-wave stiffness D, and saturation magnetization M s are 22.5 pJ/m, 413 meV Å 2 , and 6.43 B / f.u., respectively. The saturation magnetization value suggests that the Slater-Pauling rule might apply to such nonstoichiometric compositions.