Citation for published item:gyuelD engelin nd orinoD wF vur nd uennedyD turt F nd teedD tF F nd l¡ relD wF @PHITA 9pluoresent ron quntum dot hydrogels for diret determintion of silver ionsF9D lntFD ISI F ppF IHHEIHSF Further information on publisher's website:
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ABSTRACTThe paper reports for the first time the direct determination of silver ion (Ag + ) using luminescent Carbon Quantum Dot hydrogels (CQDGs). Carbon Quantum Dots (CQDs) with different superficial moieties (passivate-CQDs with carboxylic groups, thiol-CQDs and amine-CQDs) were used to prepare hybrid gels using a low molecular weight hydrogelator (LMWG). The use of the gels results in considerable fluorescence enhancement and also markedly influences selectivity. The most selective CQDG system for Ag + ion detection proved to be those containing carboxylic groups onto their surface. The selectivity towards Ag + ions is possibly due to its flexible coordination sphere compared with other metal ions.This fluorescent sensing platform is based on the strong Ag-O interaction which can quench the photoluminescence of passivate-CQDs (p-CQDs) through charge transfer. The limit of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) of the proposed method were 0.55 and 1.83 µg·mL -1 , respectively, being applied in river water samples.