Spray cooling is a way of efficiently removing the heat from a hot surface and is considered for high-power systems such as advanced lasers. The heat transfer phenomenon in spray cooling is complex in nature because it occurs due to conduction, convection, and phase change. A brief review of the modeling of spray cooling is presented here. In the present work, the effect of thermal-boundary-layer thickness on liquid-vapor-interface dynamics and its influence on heat transfer in spray cooling is investigated through multiphase-flow modeling. The multiphase-flow modeling is done using the level-set method to identify the liquid-vapor interface. Some modifications to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations to consider surface tension, viscosity, gravity, and phase change are discussed. The governing equations are solved using the finite difference method. Here, the droplet impact on a growing vapor bubble in a 44-m-thick liquid film is taken as a benchmark problem to represent the spray cooling. The computed liquid-vapor-interface and temperature distributions are also visualized for better understanding of heat removal. In this study, the high-heat-transfer mechanism in spray cooling is explained with systematic illustrations. Nomenclature c p = specific heat at constant pressure, J=kg K Fr = Froude number (u r = p gl r ) g = gravity vector, m=s 2 H = step function h = grid spacing, m h fg = latent heat of evaporation, J=kg Ja = Jacob number (cplT=h fg ) k = thermal conductivity, W=m K l r = characteristic length [ p =g l v ], m m = mass flux vector, g=m 3 =m 2 s m = mass flux Nu = Nusselt number [ql r =Tk l ] n = surface normal Pe = Peclet number ( l u r l r c pl =k l ) Pr = Prandtl number (c pl l =k l ) p = pressure, Pa q = heat flux, W=m 2 Re = Reynolds number ( l u r l r = l )time, s t r = characteristic time (l r =u r ), s u = velocity vector u; v, m=s u = x-direction velocity, m=s u int = interface velocity, m=s u r = characteristic velocity ( p gl r ), m=s v = y-direction velocity, m=s We = Weber number ( l u 2 r l r =) = thermal diffusivity, m 2 =s T = temperature difference (T w T sat ) = interfacial curvature = dynamic viscosity, N s=m 2 = density, g=m 3 = surface tension, N=m ' = level-set function Subscripts int = interface l, v = liquid, vapor r = reference sat = saturation w = wall Superscript * = nondimensional quantity