192 Pt is produced solely by the slow neutron capture (s) nucleosynthesis process and hence an accurate (n, γ ) reaction rate for this nuclide would allow its use as an important calibration point near the termination of the s-process nucleosynthesis flow. For this reason, we have measured neutron capture and total cross sections for 192,194,195,196,nat Pt in the energy range from 10 eV to several hundred keV at the Oak Ridge Electron Linear Accelerator. Measurements on the other Pt isotopes were, in part, necessitated by the fact that only a relatively small 192 Pt sample of modest enrichment was available. Astrophysical 192,194,195,196 Pt(n, γ ) reaction rates, accurate to approximately 3%-5%, were calculated from these data. No accurate reaction rates have been published previously for any of these isotopes. At s-process temperatures, previously recommended rates are larger (by as much as 35%) and have significantly different shapes as functions of temperature than our new rates. We used our new Pt results, together with 191,193 Ir(n, γ ) data, to calibrate nuclear statistical model calculations and hence obtain an improved rate for the unmeasured s-process branching-point isotope 192 Ir.