size: 6O0pm) and 1Opim thick Cu trace, remarked as M3 in Figure were fabricated and embedded in BCB. Low-cost and compact size is endlessly requested by new wireless and mobile communication systems.Theses requirements are critical for some specific application such as 2. Inductor/capacitor design bandpass filter(BPF). Most of today embedded filters in SIP are made on Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics (LTCC) Inductor design technology[l1], which eliminates Surface Mount Technology (SMT) and reduces the size of the filter. While LTCC filter Alto eerhhv encnutdo prlidco can reduce the lateral size due to relatively high dielectric inotsmcasm ndeuvltcrut(E)][7ec.I constant, it may not represent the most economical solution. teve fBFdsg,hwvr nutri n opnn Due t theincrasin comlexiy an minaturzatin of that rather need to be handled easily with main characteristic today's wireless products, the radio subsystems are being .. ' . . included. To simphf ing the finding of proper inductor we driven to very aggressive trends in advanced silicon ygg pp research on varying turn number and inner window size of processes[2] [3] [4] for its process maturity, miniaturization. In spra inutr th mos inutneefctv atr,t this paper, a flowchart for RF BPFs design on silicon wafer aciv scrso' prlidcosan ie h iewdht from single inductor, capacitor to BPF optimization has been 3Omadscewtht2umbedopres,hug presented and proved. Two test vehicles for 5GHz Wifi BPF mtra rpris iesae rc/i hp feto arefabicaedandchaactried n sx ighresstiit siico iductor were also researched by on Ansoft HFSS simulation. (HR) wafers. Wide bandpass filter size at 0.9mm X1.4mm and Svrldfeetsia nutrmdl eeslce n narrow bandpass filter size at 1.2mmXl1.66mm are realized, fabricated. The preliminary measurement results are shown in theIFi.2a tw-irl spra inuco is bul wit coli following.M3 layer and underpass at M2 through 2 vias connecting inductor center end and ground layer (outer rectangular