In this study, we measure the response of matter and halo projected power spectra P 2D XY (k) (X, Y are matter and/or halos), to a large-scale density contrast, δ b , using separate universe simulations. We show that the fractional response functions, i.e., d ln P 2D XY (k)/dδ b , are identical to their respective three-dimensional power spectra within simulation measurement errors. Then, using various N-body simulation combinations (small-box simulations with periodic boundary conditions and sub-volumes of largebox simulations) to construct mock observations of projected fields, we study how super-survey modes, in both parallel and perpendicular directions to the projection direction, affect the covariance matrix of P 2D XY (k), known as super-sample covariance (SSC). Our results indicate that the SSC term provides dominant contributions to the covariances of matter-matter and matter-halo spectra at small scales but does not provide significant contributions in the halo-halo spectrum. We observe that the large-scale density contrast in each redshift shell causes most of the SSC effect, and we did not observe a SSC signature arising from large-scale tidal field within the levels of measurement accuracy. We also develop a response approach to calibrate the SSC term for cosmic shear correlation function and galaxy-galaxy weak lensing, and validate the method by comparison with the light-cone ray-tracing simulations. Our method provides a reasonably accurate, albeit computationally inexpensive, way to calibrate the covariance matrix for clustering observables available from wide-area galaxy surveys.