A B S T R A C T Immunoprecipitates of human C4 fromEDTA-plasma were incubated with [14C]methylamine and analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and fluorography. In addition to finding label in the a-chains of the secreted (C45) and predominant plasma (C4P) forms of C4, two additional molecules with apparent molecular weights of -168,000 (p168) and '125,000 (p125) covalently incorporated methylamine, indicating the presence of an internal thioester bond. These two molecules were present at a concentration of -5% of total plasma C4 and were not immunoprecipitated by antisera to C3 or a2-macroglobulin. A human hepatoma-derived cell line (HepG2), in addition to synthesizing C45 and small quantities of the polypeptide precursor of C4 (pro-C4), was found to secrete p168 and p125 at concentrations of 14±4.8 and 21±9.2% (mean±SD), respectively, of total secreted C4. These molecules were not found intracellularly. Both molecules were present on reduced, but not nonreduced, SDS-polyacrylamide gels. Chido (C4B) and Rodgers (C4A) alloantisera precipitated the C4A and C4B variants of pro-C4, p168, p125, and C4'. Both tryptic and Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease peptide analyses showed homology between p168 and the ,B-and a-chains and between p125 and the a-and -y-chains. Partial NIH2-terminal sequencing revealed that the ,-chain was NH2-terminal in p168 and that the a-chain was NH2-terminal in p125. Taken together, these data indicate that p168 and p125 represent unThis work was presented, in part, at