Conventional ECMO is bulky/non-ambulatory and requires multiple blood transfusions. We hypothesized that a percutaneous, paracorporeal artificial lung (PAL) could be established through a single venous cannulation to provide long-term ambulatory respiratory support.
Our PAL system was tested in 11 healthy sheep. Avalon Elite™ DLC, inserted through right jugular vein into SVC, RA and IVC, was connected to a CentriMag pump and compact hollow fiber gas exchanger, forming a short circuit PAL system. All sheep were moved to ICU and were ambulatory following anesthesia recovery. Hemodynamics and device performance were measured daily.
The ambulatory PALs were successfully established in all 11 sheep. The sheep were awake, ate and moved freely in the metabolic cage with no need of artificial nutrition and blood transfusion. All sheep had stable hemodynamics with 2 L/min of average circuit flow, above 9.2 g/dl of Hgb levels throughout the experiment. A progressive decrease of O2 transfer and CO2 removal capacity was observed. The sheep were euthanized between 10–24 days for the reasons of bleeding (n=2), gas exchanger failure (n=6), and DLC issues (n=3).
We successfully established up to 24 days long-term ambulatory PAL in 11 animals using our patented DLC through a single-site percutaneous venous cannulation. However, critical bleeding/thrombosis formation and gas exchanger durability remain two major challenges for long term ambulatory PAL.