We aimed to introduce, validate, and showcase the utility of a new construct: communal collective narcissism.
We conducted four studies, in which we developed a new scale for communal collective narcissism (Study 1, N = 856), tested the construct's unique predictions (Study 2, N = 276), examined its social relevance (Study 3, N = 250), and assessed its implications for intergroup outcomes (Study 4, N = 664).
In Study 1, we verified the structural soundness of the Communal Collective Narcissism Inventory. In Study 2, we obtained evidence for a defining feature of communal collective narcissism, namely, that it predicts communal, but not agentic, ingroup‐enhancement. In Study 3, we illustrated the social relevance of communal collective narcissism. Communal collective narcissists derogated outgroup members, if those outgroups threatened the ingroup and the threat targeted the ingroup's communion. Finally, in Study 4, we showed that communal collective narcissism predicts intergroup outcomes in the communal domain (e.g., humanitarian aid) better than agentic collective narcissism does, whereas agentic collective narcissism predicts intergroup outcomes in the agentic domain (i.e., preferences for military aggression) better than communal collective narcissism does.
The construct of communal collective narcissism is conceptually and empirically distinct from classic (i.e., agentic) collective narcissism.